Aktualne reports on a remarkable speech delivered by Czech President Václav Klaus on Monday during a meeting in Tokyo of an association of Libertarian economists, businessmen and intellectuals, where he coined and warned against the neologism of climatism.
Prague Daily Monitor is Breaking News pertaining to the US Presidential Election campaigns.
The US would halt its missile defense project in central Europe if Democrat Barack Obama won the Presidential election, US security expert Peter Huessy told Czech news agency CTK on Monday.Huessy is President of GeoStrategic Analysis, a defense and national security consulting business. He is attending a conference on security challenges in Asia in Prague.
The planned missile defense radar on Czech soil combined with ten interceptor missiles in Poland would be important defense elements for NATO. For the realization of the plans, according to Huessy, it would be desirable if a Republican President retained the White House. He supports John McCain's campaign.
He said if Obama won the election the anti-missile project would end, as both Joe Biden and Obama hate it. Huessy said the Democrats do not see Iran and North Korea as posing serious threats.
He said the existence of the functioning missile defense system across the world, of which the radar in the Czech Republic would be a part, would give diplomats more space for negotiations.
They would not be under the pressure of threats and would be able to better negotiate and propose sanctions. Without the anti-missile defense system they would have to either surrender or use the armed forces, Huessy said.
Aktualne reports a speech delivered by Czech President Václav Klaus on Monday during a meeting in Tokyo of an association of Libertarian economists, businessmen and intellectuals, in which warned against climatism.
"Fear of global climate change has no serious basis - a resolute stance of all rational, freethinking and freedom-loving people. Our response to this ideology should be clear and uncompromising, because we are convinced that we know enough about the delicate and vulnerable human society, and how dangerous all efforts are to direct it from above," Klaus said.
The discussion is dominated by one-sided propaganda about the greenhouse effect, while serious economic arguments such as cost/benefit analyses of measures that are proposed are not voiced as frequently.
"We shouldn't let anybody try to play with the market and dictate who should produce what, how it should be produced, what inputs shall be used and what technologies implemented. This would cause a new, this time global, catastrophe and a real 'impoverishment of the masses', especially in developing countries. Some indications of this are already visible," Klaus said (...) >>>
Klaus is the author of the book "Blue Planet in Green Shackles" and is a Libertarian (not to be confused with a small l liberal).
Read it all in Aktualne >>>.
- Filed on Articles in "Freedom Isn't Free" and "The Science of Greenism" -
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