Geert Wilders, although he emerged as the single largest winner of the June 8 general elections, has been sidelined by the Dutch establishment, who fear damage to the country's prestige abroad and in the eyes of the transnational progressivist community, of which it is a vocal member and an ardent advocate.
Ayn Rand would have spun in her grave of such a lack of ideological hygiene. The shunning of Wilders is evidently a coup of the 'regents' in what it sees as the national interest. The voters be damned. What do they know? When push comes to shove the people are looked down on as voting cattle who've no idea what's good for them. The progressivist 'regent' mentality is alive and kicking in the Netherlands.
Of course they've only made matters worse. The VVD will be the party of treason for decades to come, and all who're slighly Right of center will rally behind the Freedom Party and Geert Wilders. I know I will.
Update: Today, July 18 Wilders gained 11 seats in the polls which translates into 35 seats in Parliament. VVD loses 8.
The latter, prominently figuring with Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Al Qaeda's new, glossy, 'hopey-changey' death list (new buzz word: "inspire"), is taking his message of Western values and democratic principles abroad. The International Freedom Alliance (IFA) is primarily targetting countries with a strong Muslim minority, but with a political deficit where the defense of individual rights and liberty are concerned.
Frequent visitors of this page will be aware of the central thesis of this blog, that relativist ideology has mentally crippled people in the West to defend their values against assertive Mohammedanism. The latter have no qualms whatsoever about absolutism. Considering all cultures and religions equally valid, as is the case in multiculturalism, is fine and dandy as long as everyone agrees with the premise. But it leaves one defenseless against supremacists.
The problem in the Netherlands has emerged because the VVD party has now aligned itself with the collectivists of red, green and 'purple' hue. There seems to be a world-wide tendency towards collectivism, including covert Socialism and Islamism. Bad news for liberty.
In a press briefing yesterday Wilders (see video) announced he will be joined by a number of global freedom fighters, known as the counter jihad movement. The idea was launched as people abroad complained they sorely lack a movement like the Freedom Party to stand up for freedom.
"It's not going to be a Freedom Party International", Wilders emphasized. It will be an umbrella institute for likeminded people all over the world, who offer each other help and support. The IFA may offer financial, organizational and ideological support to individuals and organizations world-wide, to energize societies and to pressure politicians.
The presentation of the website is planned before the end of the year, just after his trial for 'group insult' is due to end. Information will be made available in Dutch, English, French, German and perhaps even in Arabic.
Geert Wilders IFA International Freedom Alliance Interview Subtitled/Translated
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.
- International Freedom Alliance on Facebook
- Mail Online: "Anti-Islamic crusader launches recruitment drive in UK"

Ayn Rand would have spun in her grave of such a lack of ideological hygiene. The shunning of Wilders is evidently a coup of the 'regents' in what it sees as the national interest. The voters be damned. What do they know? When push comes to shove the people are looked down on as voting cattle who've no idea what's good for them. The progressivist 'regent' mentality is alive and kicking in the Netherlands.
There has been quote after quote by politicians over here to that effect and people just pass over it, unheeded.
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