
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cosmology and Aim of the Progressive Narrative (I)

Glenn Beck has done a great job identifying the Progressive Movement as, what is to all intents and purposes, what Carl Marx called "the vanguard": a cohort of the higher and middle classes who ostensibly declared solidarity with the proletariat and is said to labor on its behalf. Yet few commentators have been able to piece together what underlies the Progressive narrative: the constructed cosmology and the ultimate goal that propels it forward.

The narrative is based on Marx's erratic dogma which consisted in a dualistic world view, in which the middle classes solely exist by virtue of oppressing the lower classes. The plebeian struggle against this bourgeois exploitation is what creates progress and propels the world forward: the more violent and the bloodier, the better (improvement through struggle and suffering).

A conservative estimate has it that to date some 110 million souls have been sacrificed on the altars of the progressivist ideal. Notable in this regard are the contributions in Russia and Eastern Europe, China, Southeast Asia and swathes of Latin America. Few realize (Michael Moore!) that terror and mass murder are part of the theory and not a mere matter of collateral damage. 

The dualistic  mechanism for progress is rooted in Kant's and Hegel's dialectics that preceded Marxism. Hegel was a follower of Kant, Marx a follower of Hegel. This dualism foresees in veering from one extreme (thesis) to the next (antithesis), resulting in a compromise or a fusion of the two (synthesis). This process may in principle be ongoing ad infinitum and is supposed to culminate in an Utopian world government, an event almost on a par with Christ's Second Coming.

In Marxism the occurrance got an atheist character and was defined as World Socialism, as humanity reaches ethical perfection and the dictatorial structures of State are no longer required to keep it in its place - the so-called "withering of the State".

An early student of the progressive striving for the new world order in modern times is John Fonte, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute who coined the term transnational progressivism. He calls the adherents lovingly, tranzies. They live in international organizations, NGOs and the world's enlightened elite who self-identify as "global citizens". The narrative they are laboring to establish, is to render the existence of borders as 'immoral' and taboo national identity, and expressions of patriotism. 

All strands of thought underlying it are necessarily relativist. It is the only principle leading to the moral equivalence of democracies and tyrannies, of religions leading to enlightenment with those thrusting people into prehistorical enslavement, of hottentot society on a par with technically advanced, etcetera, etcetera. It is evident that nations with clear ideas about good and bad will have a hard time coming to grips with transnational progressivism.

Those already looking forward to the One World Utopia must realise that this withering of the State comes about through principles that have nothing to do with liberty, individual rights, or democratic principles. Far from it - the opposite is the case. This is a world made up by an imploded total State turned an inclusive collective, that of all human kind, meaning you are subjected to it whether you want to or not. Or - on a moral level - everybody in, nobody out and the noble aim justifies the means (or, in terms of health care reform: no choice but the public option).

With the arrival on the transnational scene of Barack Hussein Obama as the fusion President of the United States, bringing together in his person black and white, Africa and America, Christianity and Islam, this Utopian culmination may well be on the agenda much earlier than originally projected.

I am convinced that in many a Hegelian mind (which, mostly subconsciously, includes most Europeans) President Obama plays the part of the charismatic leader at the head of the UN as the ultimate government at the center of the new world order. No wonder to some he is quite literally the messiah.

Kant at least had the good sense to warn that the ideal could easily develop into the awfullest tyranny imaginable. His followers are all blinded by the light.

But at least now we understand what may have motivated the Nobel Committee when they awarded Obama the prize in honor of the inventor of dynamite as an 'encouragement', or in his own words, as "a call to action". After all, the idea behind the Peace Prize is the abolition of the standing army. We are therefore waiting with bated breath the Obama decision regarding the mission in Afghanistan: is it "the good war" that must be won, or is victory dispensible? Armies are for nations that have values to uphold: the new order holds no values, other than it's own existence for it's own sake.

Understanding that, it becomes apparent why the US needs to be pruned to size: one can see that the principles on which the United States is based, are contrary to the goal as set out by the tranzies. In this scenario a global Pax Americana of free, proud, autonomous and democratic countries has no place, just like the collective has no place for individuals and their rights.

Now we understand why freedom and democracy movements, like those in Iran, Tibet and Venezuela got tossed under the bus; and why the defense of the rule of law in Honduras is but a minor matter. The ultimate goal is so much higher than that! In the best traditions of statist collectivists the greater good is brought about by autocrats so much more efficiently than messy liberal democracies (ask the EU, who have their own struggle with the people to contend with!).

In the next instalment we'll dive into the theory and practice of the dialectics, which are rarely understood for what they are: a mechanism for the redistribution of wealth, rights and power. It's a narrative which has nestled in every pore and cavity of the Western world and few notice it's true purpose. Obama has brought together in his administration the best practitioners in this field the world has to offer.

Continued in Part II


- "The Dialectics"
- "Hegel's Legacy: Historical Events, not Democracy"

- "Transnational Progressivism"
- "The Dystopia of Paradise"
- "Socialist Causes Explained"


James Higham said...

Great article but your opening paragraph sums it up neatly. Great stuff for that is precisely what the Fabians have done - vastly more dangerous than the rank and file communist.

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