
Monday, October 6, 2008

Let's Get Serious in Averting a Pomo White House

It's about time we know the real Obama before he's put in The White House.

Do we know all there is to know about his college years? Here's the answer in part 1 of "Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special 1/6". We will publish the rest shortly in one pod.

Do we know Obama has worked against the Second Amendment at the Joyce Foundation despite claims that he believes in the Second Amendment and is a friend to gun owners (what was that about clinging to God and guns?). "Change" is a good way to describe an Obama tenure: it now transpires he sought the judicial obliteration of the Second Amendment. (Do they never learn the downfall is about lying and hardly ever about the matter itself?)

NRO: "Obama’s Efforts to Fund the Self-Described ‘Most Aggressive Group in the Gun Control Movement’"

Trust the Left not to get the problem of hobnobbing with terrorists. Now let's talk Woods and ACORN!

"Obama's 'Terrorist' Connection Targeted by Palin"

"What Just Happened?"


Well, that was fast .... the opinion police is pulling one adverse vid after another - go ahead! More proof about the nature of this campaign is hardly necessary. There's more (looks like the veil is also dropping on the Pali connex):

Minority Report: "RNC Filing FEC Complaint Against Obama"

The Washington Post is reporting that the RNC is set to file a complaint with the SEC over Senator Obama’s fundraising practices:

A lawyer for the Republican National Committee today said the party will ask the Federal Election Commission to look into the source of thousands of small-dollar contributions to the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama.

The RNC is alleging that the Obama campaign was so hungry for donations it “looked the other way” as contributions piled up from suspicious, and possibly even illegal foreign donors.

“We believe that the American people should know first and foremost if foreign money is pouring into a presidential election,” said RNC Chief Counsel Sean Cairncross.

At issue is the millions of dollars that Senator Obama has collected under the reporting limit and many donations above the limit that lack necessary documentation. The complaint is necessary now, because without one Senator Obama would not be subject to a post-election audit after rejecting public financing. (...) >>>

Update: Pamela at "Atlas Shrugs" claims the scoop and has something to add - read the fine print! Great job!

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