A Google Alert subscription to key words which have our specific interest recently shot to attention a post on The Daily Cultist about cognitive dissonance. It is a cross-posting of a Newsletter issued by conspiracy theorist David Icke.
We need not here indulge in the finer points related to the Illuminati, the Troof about 911, the "Hidden Hands" behind the death of the Princess of Wales and the "manufactured wars in the Middle East."
What concerns us is the coinciding of mass psychology with the cabal of Common Purpose (CP). On both counts he is correct and factual, but regrettably half-way shoots out into the thin space of classical paranoia. Ironically he is oblivious to his own cognitive dissonance, and copes with it by transforming his outlandish beliefs into baseless facts.
But Icke's findings regarding the CP cabal pans out with our own investigations. His references to "The Plan" is the subject of Icke's personal paranoia which need not concern us here, nor his thinly veiled anti-semitism (he probably thinks the Protocols and the Da Vinci Code are true history too). He explains that ...
(...) ‘cognitive dissonance’ appears to have its origins with a Jewish American social psychologist called Leon Festinger, who (...) studied closely with Kurt Lewin, a German-born Jewish psychologist, who is known as the ‘founder of social psychology’ (...) ’social engineering’ or mass mind control would be a better way of putting it. Lewin was Festinger’s ‘mentor’.
Lewin was a major influence on the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in London, one of the premier individual and mass mind-control research and development operations on the planet, which based much of its ‘philosophy’ on the work of the Austrian Jew, Sigmund Freud.
The Tavistock Institute was officially founded in 1947 (though its work goes back much further under other guises) and it was funded into existence by the Rockefeller Foundation. Among its key founders was John Rawlings-Reese, commander of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare. (...)
(...) an organisation called Common Purpose (...) develops the ‘leaders’ for the institutions of government, commerce, ‘education’, law enforcement and so on. Its methods are classic Tavistock.
Tavistock is a mass mind control operation and at the heart of global ’social engineering’. (...) The plan, now well advanced, is to create a massive network of ‘training and diversity’ organisations to brainwash the useful idiots to run society on behalf of the Elite. These include, as with Common Purpose, those involved with the institutions of government, commerce, ‘education’, law enforcement etc. (...)
Icke's paranoid theory that cognitive dissonance is being used as a tool by 'the Illuminati" or whatever, does not diminish the reality and its workings in any way. It sounds disturbingly familiar when transposed on the subject matter of recent posts, "The Twin Blessings of Denial and Projection", "The Perception Campaign" and "Thought for the Relative of Mind".
Indeed we are being manipulated into directions that are not of our own choosing, but as far as the sources are concerned our thoughts just do not wander with Icke into the avenues of Rovian cabals behind The Troof of 911. Indeed, the pointers go in the other direction - the ones with proud collectivist ethics of Common Will, rather than those who see the dissemination of individual freedom as the best antidote to violent and coercive collectivism. Icke stresses the importance of social and group pressure:
(...) The individual believer must have social support. (...) If (...) the believer is a member of a group of convinced persons who can support one another, we would expect the belief to be maintained and the believers to attempt to proselyte or to persuade non-members that the belief is correct.’
That is how the herd mentality works and how individuals are pressured to conform to the beliefs of the group - what is termed ‘creating the consensus’. It is also why individuals changing or questioning the consensus view are targeted, marginalised or removed (a Tavistock speciality). Such people are ‘dangerous’ because they have the potential to prick the collective reality bubble and instigate cognitive dissonance by making the others see contradictions.
It is this constant mental and emotional readjustment in the wake of cognitive dissonance that ensures the survival of all religious, political and social beliefs. When something comes along to demolish the original belief, people just find a way of explaining the contradictions so their belief remains intact (...) ...
Hat Tip: the Founding Bloggers
At first we couldn't figure out what exactly is so creepy in this video commercial. But it is the mob/hive thing, the creation of a vested interest in the O personality cult, the 'belief in O as the savior'. Combined with the other 'voodoo' features (the campaign is filled to the brim with psychological triggers, archetypal symbolism, and memes), the O Public Service proposal, the details of which yet need scrutinizing, may well be the most disturbing aspect of the developing personality cult.
A little further, Icke goes into what we very often discuss in these pages, the psychological mechanism of projection: "(...) people who have a self-identity of being kind, loving and caring for others (...) is always a fake identity because no-one lives up to that all the time, and I mean no-one. (...) ‘It was you who made me react like that’ or ‘they deserved it’ are among the [regular methods of dealing with dissonance] (...) This filters reality to fit the self-identity and (...) why it was not their fault and not their responsibility. In short, they will protect the self-identity at all costs. (...)
To overcome the negative effects of cognitive dissonance I would offer just one sentence: it's okay not to be 'perfect' and it's okay to be wrong (...) ... hear, hear!
This is the last sensible word we get from Icke et al. At this point his own paranoid beliefs take over reality. Aristotelian philosophy could gave saved him, but the subjectivist triad Rousseau, Kant and Hegel got the better of him.
He sighs: "How about those who believe that our freedoms must be taken away to protect our liberties?? That’s classic Doublethink and vast, vast numbers of people believe that blatant contradiction to be true" ... which would - had it not been a false statement- be classic Hegel dialectic, echos of "Freedom through the state."
To clear up the point he is alluding to, in all honesty he would have to concede that he, David Icke, hasn't forfeited a single liberty, and were he ground to pulp by an Al Qaeda tool, his liberties would be quite irrelevant anyway.
We also see the destructive Rousseau idealism at work, the basis of his fallacy that morphs 'is' into 'ought': "(...) millions die of hunger in a world of plenty and millions more die in manufactured wars? (...)" - surely that cannot be reality/the natural state/the will of God; there MUST be a conspiracy, a cabal of humans who 'manufacture wars' and who out of callous egoism see to it that wealth accumulates unevenly.
Reality has become part of the conspiracy theory - classic paranoia. But at least it seems to earn him a living.
Interesting article, nonetheless.
- Filed on Articles in "Dossier Common Purpose" and "The Political Pathology Pile" -
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