
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wilders Quoting Orwell: like it or not!

On the day AQ exacts revenge for the 'Danish cartoons' by blowing the Embassy in Pakistan to smithereens (claiming six shahids, one of whom a small child - what gives, no one is innocent!), and the Finns threw liberty to the four winds and forfeited their right to call themselves free citizens in a free nation ...

- read all about their shame on Atlas Shrugs' post "Finnish Blogger Gets Two Years 'Insensitivity Against Islam'"-
... Geert Wilders delivered a most uplifting speech at the Copenhagen Parliament Building - Hat Tip: Snaphanen DK via Atlas. So proud! He's a knight in shining armor!

Geert Wilders visits Copenhagen from I Media Online on Vimeo.


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