
Monday, June 30, 2008

More Charges Against Wilders Dropped: blow for theofascism

After having been acquitted of charges brought by the Dutch Islamic Federation (NIF) of disseminating hatred and calls for violence against Muslims in April by a Dutch Court, today the Public Prosecutor also dropped charges against Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders.

The Public Prosecutor had been trying to put a case together against Wilders since 2006. Mainly after the publication of the short film "Fitna" and an op-ed in a Dutch newspaper, dozens of charges were brought. But in a press conference today in Amsterdam the Chief Prosecutor said neither the video nor Wilders' statements about Muslims and the Koran in general are deemed unlawful.

All together some forty charges were brought by lawyers, Muslim and student organizations and individuals. In the op-ed 'Enough is Enough' in August last year Wilders wrote inter alia that the Koran constitutes a "fascist book," on par with Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and should be banned.

The Prosecutor has now established that Wilders did not break any European anti-discrimination laws. An appeal is still possible.

The Freedom Party leader is not surprised by the ruling. "From the outset I knew I kept within the framework of Dutch law. I am pleased the Prosecution Office sees that as well," Wilders said.

Besides the appeals there is still the matter of the Jordanian Court requesting the extradition and prosecution of Wilders for racism, incitement to hatred and insulting Muslims and Islam.

In the matter of the ongoing legal jihad against the West these rulings are not without significance: they are a victory for liberty and democracy and hopefully the beginning of the end of the theofascist inroads by the forces of darkness.

Update on the day after:

Elsevier today opines a ruling would have created clarity and jurisprudence, and would therefore have been preferable. Given the number of appeals, they might get their wish after all.

A public media commentator yesterday represented the worst the country has to offer by way of embarrassed pussy-footing - an interpretation to the effect that "the judiciary chose not to become a party in a political debate."

- Filed on Articles in "Legal Jihad" -


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