
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Making the Muslim Brotherhood Look Respectable (updated)

Update Feb. 15, 2011

UPI: "Muslim Brotherhood steps into politics"

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt announced Tuesday that it began the processes necessary to become a formal political party. The Muslim Brotherhood was banned under the regime of Hosni Mubarak from competing openly as a political party. Its candidates won 20 percent of the seats in the Egyptian Parliament by running as independent candidates in 2005. Mubarak's ruling National Democracy Party last year, however, wiped the group off the political map in elections widely criticized by the international community.

Leaders of the group said that once it formed a legitimate committee, it would apply to become a formal political party in Egypt.  Ruling military authorities in Egypt dismantled much of the previous structure of the Mubarak regime, pledging to move forward with plans to hold national elections within six months. (...)"Although it fully understands that change does not happen overnight, the Muslim Brotherhood believes change will lead to a new beginning rooted in justice and progress," the group said (...) >>>

It was only a matter of time before the degenerated generation would collapse in the face of 'the inevitable'.
The way great societies commit suicide, is by banning the most flagrant inequities from their realm, and isolating themselves against the greatest misfortunes. All that security creates the false perception that evil does not exist. Amoralism ensues.

Relativist mental rot is setting in, leading to the suicidal conclusion of multiculturalism, that "all cultures are equally valid". It is only reasonable that all must share in the fruits of their forebears' endeavours - even those who at times seemed to have been the enemy.

The generation whose highest form of ethics was "make peace, not war" is asking the rhetorical question, can't we all just get along? Make compromises and negotiate until accommodation is reached? Evil loses its horns and the human face of the former enemy emerges; their fair grievances heard. The enemy of yesterday has become the peace partner of today, or so it seems.

Today that time has come. The leading Leftist newspaper in the United States is giving a member of the Muslim Brotherhood a platform for their ideas and proposals. And wadda you know? All they want is their fair share and 'democracy', 'reform' and 'progress':
(...) In more than eight decades of activism, the Muslim Brotherhood has consistently promoted an agenda of gradual reform. Our principles, clearly stated since the inception of the movement in 1928, affirm an unequivocal position against violence. For the past 30 years we have posed, peacefully, the greatest challenge to the ruling National Democratic Party of Hosni Mubarak, while advocating for the disenfranchised classes in resistance to an oppressive regime. (...) >>>
The Brothers are playing the postmodern West like a fiddle. They're buying their taqqiyah lock, stock and barrel. But behind the fog, the smoke and mirrors here's what they really, really want:
(...) There seems to be one little problem: the concept of democracy. (...) The unchallenged spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood is Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the 84 year old Egyptian sheikh who coordinates his international movement from Qatar. Al-Qaradawi is the worldwide political and religious ideologist of all organizations of Muslim Brethren. (...)
The thoughts of the Muslim Brotherhood were written down by Al-Qaradawi in 1990 in a study which appeared in English under the title "Priorities of The Islamic Movement in the Coming Phase". This work can be considered to be the political agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the past few decades this agenda has been executed in Egypt flawlessly. The Islamic Awakening is a long term process.
Al-Qaradawi aims at the revival of true Islam on all levels in society and at the establishment of an Islamic state. This program asks for proper and long lasting preparation by a vanguard of well-trained Muslims. By education, political activism, social programs, intellectual and scientific activities and foremost jihad (liberation of Muslim Territories) they are working systematically on the realization of a society which is completely governed by Islam. In this effort Al-Qaradawi promotes broad use of modern techniques of communication. In his view, all problems of society are caused by deviating from the path of Islam. At the same time he states that, instead of returning to the past, he wants to restore sharia in modern society. (...)
For power is what it’s all about in the political theater. For the Muslim Brotherhood it is ultimately about total political power, not about sharing responsibility and authority with other political movements. Islamic Awakening is comprehensive and only rests when society and the rule of law have been Islamized fully. Multiparty democracy is at most a transitional phase, which has to be endured out of tactical considerations. (...) At this point we encounter an essential element in Al-Qaradawi’s discourse.... >>>
One could almost be excused for accepting the Brotherhood's insidious propaganda. By all means, read Ben Avraham's great posting in its integrity! It's an eye-opener!

The shibboleths of the Left - 'democracy', 'reform', 'diversity' and 'progress' - trigger an instant sense of homecoming in the postmodern Left, who're just about ready for a merger with Islamic Socialism.

The world is watching the drama unfold.




Obama's 'smart' diplomacy is terrifying! This is the O-Team's intelligence community! The same Clapper who was uninformed about what was the great news on that day -

- Roger's Rules: "Ouch! More Smart Diplomacy", by Roger Kimball

- The Blaze: “Muslim Brotherhood’s Goals Uncovered: Global Islamic Conquest and Caliphate
- Palestinian Media Watch: "Translation of important Muslim Brotherhood book: Jihad is the way"
- Washington Post: "What Israel fears in Egypt", by Sallai Meridor

Related dossiers

- "The Jihad Project"
- "The Middle East Project"
- "Stop Islamization" (SIOE, SIOA)
- "Eurabia"
- "The Unholy Alliance"
- "The Flotilla Tactic"


James Higham said...

The generation whose highest form of ethics was "make peace, not war" is asking the rhetorical question, can't we all just get along? Make compromises and negotiate until accommodation is reached? Evil loses its horns and the human face of the former enemy emerges; their fair grievances heard. The enemy of yesterday has become the peace partner of today, or so it seems.

Beautifully put, Cassandra. I believe it might be coming back our way in the end. These PoMos et al are overreaching now.

Kassandra Troy said...

Just curious what makes you say that. What do you know/think?

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