
Sunday, November 21, 2010

When Truth Is Irrelevant: freedom of speech in Austria (update 2)

In Defense of Free Speech: "Live blogging from Elisabeth’s court proceedings"

(...) This is the end of reporting for today. Please join us on January 18th 2011 for more news from the frontiers of defending the free societies of the West. >>>

Nov. 23, 2010

- Cartoon by Niels Thomson - Hat tip Sappho) -
Updating on the trial of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff on November 23.

As the six year old daughter of an Austrian diplomat she went through traumatic experiences in Iran during the Islamic Revolution (that was overtly supported by the Left), and on 9/11 (which is overtly apologized by the Left) when she happened to be in Lybia.

Jerry Gordon, senior editor of the New English Review had an interview with Elisabeth a few days ago.

A blog, dedicated to the trial of Elisabeth is updated here.

In Defense of Free Speech: "An Interview with Austrian Free Speech Advocate Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff", by Jerry Gordon

ElisabethSabaditsch-Wolff, a Viennese housewife is going before a Kafkaesque tribunalon November the 23rd for doing something which is legal under our US Constitution: criticizing a religion. That is one of the express purposes of the First Amendment which protects the freedom of speech in America. (...) >>>

October 24, 2010

The Wilders court case is currently in a state of legal limbo as a tribunal last Friday found a new trial necessary: one of the Judges who ordered the case to be pursued (against the advice of the Prosecution!) was found to have been trying to influence an expert-witness at a dinner party. As we have seen during the address of the Prosecutor, the truth is simply irrelevant. The free world is under siege!

In the last few years the Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC) has been vigorously pursuing international efforts in the UN and Europe's many 'Eurabian' talking shops. It is an philosophical montrum, but the OIC has been doing its utmost to make 'Islamophobia' a legal entity. We know it otherwise under the term 'hate crimes', or in the Netherlands - sit down for this one - a 'crime of expression'.

Austria is currently going through its second court case. As with Wilders', Leftist activists are also here heavily involved in curbing the freedom of speech on behalf of their Islamic brethren.

- Caption: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff (left) with ACT's Brigitte Gabriel  (right) - 

Europe News has the details:

A criminal complaint is being filed against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for “hate speech” under Austrian law, essentially the same thing that Susanne Winter was convicted of early this year.
Elisabeth gave a presentation about Islam at an FPÖ-organized seminar, and said some of the usual things that anti-jihad advocates say when they talk about Islam. A left-wing magazine, which had planted someone in the audience, caused charges to be brought against her at the same time as they publicized it in their magazine.
Elisabeth held the controversial Islam Seminar at the FPÖ-political academy. Charges of defamation of a religious group have been filed against the daughter of a diplomat. This is her only interview in which she explains her views. (...) 
Read the entire interview with Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff >>>

Hat Tip: Patriot's Corner in "Elisabeth's Voice: Help Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in her fight against jihad" has more details.

From Facebook

Espial Informatics November 1 at 11:05pm Reply • Report
Geert Wilders is well-known to most people, but Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is not so prominent. Like Mr. Wilders, she faces trial for reporting factual information about Islam. Her “crime” was to conduct public seminars in which she described Islamic doctrine, quoted from the Koran, and explained to her listeners what she considers the dangers of Islam.

Like Mr. Wilders, Elisabeth has been charged with “hate speech” for her words. Unlike Mr. Wilders, however, Elisabeth is a private citizen, a wife, and the mother of a small child. She lacks the major resources necessary to defend herself against the well-funded organs of the state which seek to persecute her.

Elisabeth was first notified of the possible case against her last December. For almost a year she has been waiting for a formal charge and a court date, and now the other shoe has finally dropped: she will go to court on November 23, 2010.

Here is a video of Elizabeth at the Amsterdam Rally for Free Speech on the 30th October 2010 -

The Counter-Jihad Alliance has created a Facebook Page to support Elizabeth. Please help us to raise awareness of her case by liking the page and suggesting it to your friends. On the page you will find links to relevant articles, videos and photos, you can also help by sharing these and adding any of your own.

Link to Page -

Thank you for taking the time to read this message!



James Higham said...

And so it goes on - in Florida, in Europe, in the UK. The tipping point is, I believe, coming.

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